Barry Dotson


Barry Dotson

Red Realty Commercial

Phoenix Ventures, LLC

522 Uptown Square

Murfreesboro, TN 37129

Direct : 615.225.2088

Mobile: 615.969.7388

Fax: 615.896.7373

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Barry E. Dotson is the founder and Chairman/Chief Manager of and Phoenix Ventures, LLC in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Barry has in excess of 35 years of commercial and residential real estate experience. His accomplishments include the completion of subdivisions with over 300 homes, 600 apartment units, 100,000 square feet of warehouse space and nearly 200,000 square feet of office space to his credit.

Barry’s greatest accomplishments, however, are in the retail development arena. He has successfully developed over twelve million square feet of retail space valued at over one billion dollars during his career. Barry Dotson is a consistent producer in locating quality sites for national tenants.

Barry recently closed his real estate office to join the Red Realty team. Red Realty is a very aggressive service oriented, full service real estate company. Mr. Dotson attended Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. He has been a member of the National Association of Realtors since 1967 and has held a variety of leadership positions including two terms as President of the Jackson, Tennessee Board of Realtors (1969-1970). He has also been a member of the International Council of Shopping Centers for over twenty years.

Barry may be reached directly at 615.969.7388 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. '; document.write(''); document.write(addy_text98699); document.write('<\/a>'); //-->\n This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Eyeball pictures

01sConngresswoman and EyeBAll 2012 chair Diane Black

martha_adamssFoundation patient Martha Adams who used to be blind and now can see!

02s“Dancing with the stars at EyeBall” three judges: Dr. Ming Wang, EyeBall 2012 Chair Congresswoman Diane Black and Danny Baye.

03sDr Ming Wang

04sVicki Yates, Jonathan Bungard, Juanita Simanekova, Rudy Kalis, Jennifer Kirksmith and Glen Casada.

05sEyeball invite on table

06sEyeBall scene with a big eye ball on screen

08sTN Congressman Glen Casada and Jennifer Kirksmith.

09sMing & Paris


Eyeball pictures


11sRudy Kalis and Juanita Simanekova.

  12sShirley Zeitlin and Dennis Woods.

  13sVicki Yates and Jonathan Bungard.

  14sDr Wang, Colleen Conway-Welch, and Ted Welch

15sAfrican dancer

16African drummers

17sJennifer Kirksmith and Dennis Woods

18sJennifer Kirksmith and Dennis Woods in practice

19sJuanita Simanekova and Jonathan Bungard.